4th Grade is ending the year, much like we started. I like to start the year by gauging where my students are with their drawing from observation skills. We usually start by simple drawing exercises, drawing their hands and other little objects I have. Then to see how they have developed I try to incorporate a drawing from observation in our lesson at the end of the year. So with a little inspiration from Georgia O'Keeffe and her skull paintings, the challenge was given.
This is one of the examples I used on the overhead.
Students where to look carefully to draw what they saw.
AND BOY HOWDY!! Did they RISE to occasion!!
I am always proud of my students and it excites me to see how they grow as artists from year to year. But these really filled my heart and eyes with joy. I seriously was moved to tears of joy in at least two of my fourth grade classes, during the drawing portion of this lesson.
Thank you to Cedar Creek Elementary and your Artsonia page for the inspiration.